Our scope of action is varied and extends beyond sporting activities, with the academy focused on entrepreneurship, individual and group coaching, training, conferences and inspiring encounters.

The members of our association do their utmost to support and accompany young people, offering them a framework conducive to their personal and professional development.

Our sports

Our sports

Physical activity and sport offer young people unique opportunities to develop physical, psychological, social and relational skills. Play4Peace offers free, weekly, professionally supervised sports activities for young people aged 14 to 26.

Our sports activities

Play4Peace Academy

Play4Peace Academy

Play4Peace Academy is an innovative initiative aimed at fostering socio-professional inclusion through a comprehensive program that combines education, sport and entrepreneurship.

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Conferences and training courses

Conferences and training courses

Throughout the year, Play4peace offers conferences, inspirational meetings and training courses for young people, with the aim of helping them in their personal and professional development.

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Thinking about it is natural, doing it is essential!
Young people need you!

You can make a difference by being a piece of the human puzzle of solidarity.

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Play4Peace NEWS

Play4Peace NEWS

Find all about our events, our conferences, press articles, the latest news, ...

Our News

"Working with Play4Peace was a real privilege. We had to deal with a passionate and motivated team who want to help young people to create links and to develop personally. Objectives particularly important in this cosmopolitan city that is Brussels. Play4Peace to me. recalled that you must always keep an open mind in all circumstances. I have fond memories of this and I hope to be able to collaborate with them again in the future."

Ihecs student - Member of the Hackathon team who worked on the strategy of our new communication.


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