


Play4Peace offers individual and group coaching sessions.

What is individual coaching?

Coaching involves supporting young people in defining and achieving their goals, and resolving their personal and professional problems. The aim of these sessions is to enable the young person to identify his or her limiting beliefs and resources, so as to give him or herself the means to achieve his or her goals.

What is group coaching?

Group coaching fosters the exchange of practices and tools between different people, enabling the development of each individual, and finding solutions to common problems.

Here are a few examples:

  • Coaching for your professional interviews (CV, cover letter, actual interview, ...) with Amazon
  • Points of You photolanguage workshop

"I had the opportunity to do an internship at Play 4 Peace alongside Ayman. During this period I had the opportunity to work on a lot of different projects and this allowed me to develop professionally but also personally. Play 4 Peace is a family that made me understand several things that will be useful to me throughout my life. I cannot thank Ayman enough for his kindness, his support and his sharing. It is an association which will remain engraved forever in me and I am proud to have been able to bring my little touch. "

Rafael Veloso
Former intern


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