

Play4Peace, in collaboration with Solvay Business School, has developed a beverage project. The idea behind this project is to launch a new way of financing the non-profit organization so that it becomes less dependent on external support.

In collaboration with several experts from the beverage sector, we are working on the official launch of Drink4Peace, which will be the first drink created by and for young people. Indeed, 100% of the profits will be reinvested in the association to finance the academy.

The success of this project will be key in two ways. Firstly, its economic success will demonstrate that other financing methods are possible in the associative world. Secondly, this success will prove to young people that they are capable of evolving, learning and having a real impact on the development of a company.

The young people in each cohort will do an "internship" with Drink4Peace, learning and developing the concept alongside the team and independent experts. Various workshops, supervised by professionals, will be set up to support the young people, so that they can then test their knowledge in the field.

"Play4Peace contributes to my personal development in many areas (non-exhaustive list): at the intrapersonal level, I develop new skills through the training and responsibilities offered, at the interpersonal level I make enriching encounters and academically I can study at the Play4Peace House in optimal conditions. Participating in organized activities and events is always a golden opportunity! "

Moussia Garelik
Student in human and social sciences at ULB


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